I just chased my tail around for a bit today. I got lost with setting the status of all inputs, and banging my head on why the "validate" function just wasn't working.
I just chased my tail around for a bit today. I got lost with setting the status of all inputs, and banging my head on why the "validate" function just wasn't working.
There are numerous usability problems:
This wiki will explain how you can use the Field range extension with multiple Bootstrap form layouts (vertical or horizontal). You maybe aware, that the yii2-field-range extension enables you to easily setup ActiveField range fields with Bootstrap styling. You basically can setup two attributes joined together like a single field with combined validation error block.
This wiki is to show you how to use jQuery get and JSON to get data from a dropdown/any form field and fill form fields with the values instantaneously. First, I'll give example use cases of what I'm going to teach you so you can quickly see if this is for you.
In yii2 we can create form without create FormModel. Here we go
Are you using the Bootstrap 3 form styles with Yii 2 Active Forms? Have you faced problems in displaying complex layouts which needs you to display multiple inline form fields in a single row, within bootstrap horizontal forms. Then read on.
// In Yii 1.x $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', [
'id' => 'order-search-form',
'method' => 'get',
echo $form->textInput($searchModel, 'id');
echo CHtml::submitButton('Find', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']);