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How to login from different tables in Yii2


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How to login from different tables in Yii2

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authentication,login,different table name,multiple login

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The Problem: Yii2 utilizes by default UserIdentity configured in config/web.php for connection, this object apply one table to authentication ('identityClass' => 'app\painel\models\User'). How to authentication from diferent tables?
Create instances in web.php to uses UserIdentify.
  $user = \Yii::$app->user;   $school = \Yii::$app->school;   $teacher = \Yii::$app->teacher;

'user' => [              'class'=>'yii\web\User',              'identityClass' => 'app\models\User',              'enableAutoLogin' => false,              'authTimeout' => 60*30,              'loginUrl' => ['dashboard/login'],              'identityCookie' => [                  'name' => '_panelUser',             ]
'school'=>[              'class'=>'yii\web\User',              'identityClass' => 'app\models\SchoolUser',              'enableAutoLogin' => false,              'authTimeout' => 60*30,              'loginUrl' => ['dashboard-school/login'],              'identityCookie' => [                  'name' => '_panelSchool',             ]
'teacher'=> [              'class'=>'yii\web\User',              'identityClass' => 'app\models\TeacherUser',              'enableAutoLogin' => false,              'authTimeout' => 60*30,              'loginUrl' => ['dashboard-teacher/login'],          'identityCookie' => [                  'name' => '_painelTeacher',             ]
], ``` Note that for each there is a identifyClass and one view login.
Now, we need to create the models:
return '{{%user}}';
// to continues.... ``` Model scholol:

return '{{%schoolUser}}';
// to continues

return '{{%teacher}}';
// to continues....

public function behaviors()

return [
'access' => [
'class' => AccessControl::className(),

//school  \Yii::$app->scholl->login($model, $this->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0);  //teacher  \Yii::$app->teacher->login($model, $this->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0);

<?php if (!\Yii::$app->scholl->isGuest):?> <h1>My scholol Name: <?=\Yii::$app->scholl->identity->name?>
<?php endif;?>
<h1>Teacher Name: <?=\Yii::$app->teacher->identity->name?>
<?php endif;?>


Always use the specific instance of the user you want to work with.
Criticism, suggestions and improvements, use the comments

[Agência Next4 Comunicação Digital Ltda.](https://www.next4.com.br/contato)
5 0
Viewed: 61 729 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Written by: AndroideLP
Last updated by: lenovo
Created on: Apr 3, 2018
Last updated: 3 years ago
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