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A Single Page with a List and a Detail


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A Single Page with a List and a Detail

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gridview, detail, ajax

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The CRUD generator of Gii has done a wonderful job for you, and you already have a list of items in the "index" page and a detailed view of a specified item in the "view" page. But you may want to show both of themthe index and the view in a single page, in which. That way you can click on an item in the grid to show its detail in the same page on the fly,s without having to go to another view page. Is it possible with Yii? Yes, it is.!

Let's start with a review of the current code.
## Original Index Page

For example, assume that the following is an "index" page that Gii has generated for
the Post model for you.
You can see "date" and "title" in the grid, but you have to go to a "view" page to see other attributes like "body" and "created_by".

Now we want to show all the attributes of the selected post in the same page when you click on a
n row in the grid. ## Sub View for Detail The first thing we do is to create a sub -view that shows all the attributes of a post. We will name it ascall it "_view.php".
It uses a DetailView to show all the attributes of a post.
As you may notice, this is almost
the sameidentical with "view.php", that Gii has generated for you. You can make it very easily with copy-and-pasting. Now we callinclude this sub -view fromin the "index.php" view scriptpage.
The sub view is located after the grid. You may locate it before the grid if you prefer. But the important point is that the sub view should be outside of the Pjax area.

You may be aware that we have to supply an additional parameter called "post" to the index view, since the sub
 -view needs it to work as expected. We will modify the "index" action next. ## Modifying Index Action The original controller code goelooks like this:
## Ajax Updating

Now, here comes
athe magic of ajax updating. Insert the following lines in "index.php":
You may want to do something more to improve your page. The first thing you may want to do might be supplying more appropriate initial display of the selected post. It's up to you.

Have fun
3 0
Viewed: 55 595 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Written by: softark
Last updated by: Patrick Jones
Created on: Jul 9, 2016
Last updated: 7 years ago
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