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Make theme and layout option in your site


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Make theme and layout option in your site

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theme, layouts

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Here i am writing code how to add option of theme change and layout change in your website. Below are the steps you have to follow for this *- Make Layout for each (i.e left,top,right)   *- Make Css for each(as per your choice)   *- Create a folder named theme and put all yor layout and other file for each theme respectivley   *- In Css directory create directory for each theme and put all your css and js file in respective directory   #### **Make table named theme where each theme name has its themeID,name** In Layout

public $layout;

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Viewed: 16 149 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: How-tos
Tags: layouts, theme
Written by: Narender Negi
Last updated by: trond
Created on: Aug 6, 2013
Last updated: 10 years ago
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