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Using search engine and user friendly URLs


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Using search engine and user friendly URLs

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The [Definitive Guide](/doc/guide/topics.url) introduces the fundamentals of managing URLs in a Yii application. In this tutorial, we introduce a practical technique that can quickly turn your application into using search-engine-friendly URLs. Asssume we have an application that mainly consists of CRUD operations for several object types. For example, in the blog demo, we need CRUD operations for `Post`, `Comment` and `User`. Using `Post` as an example, our goal is to implement its CRUD operations with the following URLs:

* reading a post: `http://example.com/post/99/this+is+a+sample+post`
Finally, it may also be a good idea to implement in the model classes the methods that return other type of URLs. For example, we can implement the `getListUrl()` method in the base class similar to what we do for `getUrl()`. Then we can readily obtain the list page URL for `Post` model using the expression `Post::model()->listUrl`.

### Links
[Chinese version](http://projects.ourplanet.tk/node/97)
19 0
Viewed: 101 812 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: SEO, URL
Written by: qiang
Last updated by: Yang He
Created on: Oct 23, 2009
Last updated: 11 years ago
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