A simple way to get Yii client-side form validation run when submitting by ajax

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A time ago i've met the issue that Yii doesn't run any client-side form validation when submitting the form by CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton. The small javascript below helps to fix it.


1) Register the snippet into the HEAD. Be sure that it is linked after jquery.yii.js is linked.

2) Configure your CActiveForm instance like this:

$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(

3) Configure your CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton instance like this:

echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Whateverlabel', 'whateverurl', array(

The snippet
;$.yii.fix = {
	ajaxSubmit : {	
		beforeSend : function(form) {
			return function(xhr,opt) {
				form = $(form);
				$._data(form[0], "events").submit[0].handler();
				var he = form.data('hasError');
				return he===false;
		afterValidate : function(form, data, hasError) {
			$(form).data('hasError', hasError);
			return true;