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How to generate Yii-like Documentation


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How to generate Yii -like Documentation

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Introduction ------------ Something a good application cant miss is documentation, and what would be better than some nice formatted HTML documentation that can be auto-generated from your code, we know several tools that already do this like [phpDocumentor](http://www.phpdoc.org/ "phpDocumentor"), but today we are introducing [Yii Docs Generator]( https://github.com/phpnode/Yii-Dwww.yiiframework.com/extension/yiidocs-Ggenerator "Yii Docs Generator") which is a modification of the code that Yii itself uses to generate its documentation, thank [phpnode](http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/user/22573-phpnode/ "phpnode") for this wonderful work. Specification
To generate nice HTML however we must follow some specifications that this wiki will try to describe.

The following are 2 classes that we will be using as an example:
### Documenting Views

If you want to
annotatedocument your views, add a doc block right at the top of the view file with the file description. You can also specify the parameters that your view file receives by using the @uses tag, e.g. [ 

* @uses User $model The user model
If you don't want to document your views you can turn this behaviour off by adding the parameter noviews to the end of the shell command, e.g.
./yiic docs /path/to/your/docs/folder noviews
Thats it for now, the Yii Docs Generator is still a work in progress but as you can see its already a powerful too, that will get you some nice documentation and as you can see its pretty easy to use. The Yii Docs Generator also comes with a check command, that will help you check if there is some important missing documentation, but wont check things like @package of class documentation so its always good to check your files manually after using this command.
- [Yii Docs Generator on Git]( https://github.com/phpnode/Yii-Docs-Generator "Yii Docs Generator") 
-  [Yii Docs Generator on Yii](http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/yiidocsgenerator "Yii Docs Generator")
41 0
Viewed: 47 893 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: doc
Written by: Asgaroth
Last updated by: fsb
Created on: May 5, 2011
Last updated: 11 years ago
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