How to delete a data-item from CGridView's dataProvider after ajax-deletion?

Hi everyone.

I’m using a CGridView to show some data-list but I don’t feed the dataProvider of CGridView with a Model, I do it with a dataProvider from CArrayDataProvider object.

The problem is that when I try to delete a data-item(row) from gridview’s list by using ajax, although the parameter success is true, it does not delete the data-item from the list (and from dataProvider).

How can I solver this problem?

Thanks in advance.

you should confirm the data have deleted from the original source (eg : table , xml , files etc…)which the ArrayDataProvider come from . check your actionDelete() function carefully if the logic is correct !

if you write your owner ajax deleting not use the CGridView::CButtonColumn 's delete functionality

you should refresh the GridView manually ( $.fn.yiiGridView.update(‘yourGridViewId’); you can see the “admin” view generated from php(----i mean html code) , there is a yiigridview.js file and read it )