Auto Fill Form

It is a 3 step registration with first step as entry of Name, second step checking database if an entry exists and third step is giving opportunity to user to edit his details after auto fill and continue to next registration form and then finally submit.

I have thought to make one model class Profile that will be set from last 2 registration form screens.

I ma using yii-user extension for this customization.

But, How to auto fill few columns of Registration form like Name etc as obtained from step before.

Also, once moved forward and then back, form should remember data entered last.

Please share some snippet or extension that will permit these.

I would have ideally pasted my code here and asked for help but not able to start actually… :(

Try the extension wizard behavior. A registration demo is included.

thanks i am trying that. Its demo is not working, tried copying to local machine and changed index.php to point to correct YII. But, link for Registration Form is giving Apache error.

I am trying to figure out why…

The links in the main page of the demo are hardcoded the wrong way. You probably have to include the wizard-behavior folder into your url:


should be
