Update multiple attributes on client validation

So the static validation for the following "require at least n" validator works alright, but when AJAX validation is enabled, the error messages are not cleared properly.

I think the issue might be that, while the errors are cleared on the server-side stuff and the JSON array of messages it returns omits the errors for the attributes once conditions are met, the function called to update a field on change, $.fn.yiiactiveform.updateInput(), only updates that single attribute.

Any suggestions? How could I get it to update all the attributes’ messages so the errors are consistent?


class RequireAtLeastNValidator extends CValidator {


	 * @var int the number of attributes that are required to have a specific value or be non-empty


	public $countRequired = 1;


	 * @var mixed the desired value that the attribute must have.

	 * If this is null, the validator will validate that the specified attribute does not have null or empty value.

	 * If this is set as a value that is not null, the validator will validate that

	 * the attribute has a value that is the same as this property value.

	 * Defaults to null.


	public $requiredValue;


	 * @var boolean whether the comparison to {@link requiredValue} is strict.

	 * When this is true, the attribute value and type must both match those of {@link requiredValue}.

	 * Defaults to false, meaning only the value needs to be matched.

	 * This property is only used when {@link requiredValue} is not null.


	public $strict = false;

	private $_validCount = 0;

	protected function validateAttribute($object, $attribute) {



	 * Validates the specified object.

	 * @param CModel $object the data object being validated

	 * @param array $attributes the list of attributes to be validated. Defaults to null,

	 * meaning every attribute listed in {@link attributes} will be validated.


	public function validate($object, $attributes = null) {


			$attributes = array_intersect($this->attributes, $attributes);


			$attributes = $this->attributes;

		if($this->countRequired > count($attributes))

			$this->countRequired = count($attributes);

		//count number of attributes with valid values

		$this->_validCount = 0;

		foreach($attributes as $attribute) {

			$value = $object->$attribute;

			if($this->requiredValue!==null) {

				if(($this->strict && $this->requiredValue === $value) ||

					(!$this->strict && $this->requiredValue == $value))


			} else {

				$this->_validCount += $this->isEmpty($value, true) ? 0 : 1;



		//check if there are sufficient attributes with valid values

		if($this->_validCount < $this->countRequired) {

			//add errors to attributes

			foreach($attributes as $a)

				$this->addError($object, $a, $this->getMessage($object, $attributes));




	 * Returns the appropriate message given the properties of this validator

	 * @param array $attributes the list of attributes validated. Defaults to null,

	 * meaning every attribute listed in {@link attributes} will be validated.


	private function getMessage($object, $attributes = null) {


			return $this->message;

		else {


				$attributes = array_intersect($this->attributes, $attributes);


				$attributes = $this->attributes;

			$messageParams = array(

				'{n}' => $this->countRequired,

				'{attributeList}' => '',

				'{requiredValue}' => $this->requiredValue,


			for($i = 0; $i < count($attributes); $i++)

				$messageParams['{attributeList}'] .= (($i != 0) ? ', ' : '') . $object->getAttributeLabel($attributes[$i]);


				$message = Yii::t('yii', 'At least {n} of {attributeList} must be {requiredValue}.', $messageParams);


				$message = Yii::t('yii', 'At least {n} of {attributeList} must not be empty.', $messageParams);

			return $message;




By the way, the inability to clear more than a single attribute’s messages on client validation remains an issue even when using another (less complicated) validator method (below).

public function rules() {

	return array(

		array('a, b, c', 'atLeastNTrue', 'attributes'=>array('a', 'b', 'c'), 'countRequired'=>2),



	public function atLeastNTrue($attribute, $params) {

		$trueCount = 0;

		foreach($params['attributes'] as $attr) {

			if($this->$attr == true)



		if($trueCount < $params['countRequired']) {

			$this->addError($attribute, 'At least two, bro. Two.');



