update record

I am trying with this code to update the record but there is no update,the old value is there.What is wrong?

the model is "CarInfo"

$model= \app\models\CarInfo::find()->where(['car_id'=>$id])->one();

          if($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save())

          {              echo $model->kyvika;die();



          return $this->render('updatecar',array('model'=>$model));

At view:

$form = ActiveForm::begin([

    'id' => 'car-info',

    'options' => ['class' => 'form-horizontal'],

]) ........

Have you checked if


and then if


return true?

save() errors can be checked printing errors, such as:


It seems that $model can not take the values of the post.I do


and there are

but echo $model->kyvika; has the old value

What is wrong?I have to set the post values manually for the $model?

[EDIT] I had to make the values "safe" at the model,so I thing I solved it.