Custom assests in a static application end

I’ve given my Yii2 application a static end with path, ‘/static’, & url, ‘//’, using the following lines in ‘/common/congig/bootstrap.php’…

Yii::setAlias('static', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/static');

Yii::setAlias('staticUrl', '//');

Then for each application end I have at ‘/endname/config/main.php’…

	'components' => [

		'assetManager' => [

			'basePath' => '@static/endname',

			'baseUrl' => '@staticUrl/endname',




With that set, an asset…

	public $sourcePath = '@static/path/to/asset/lib';

	public $css = [



	public $js = [



is published nicely to…

	<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">


	<script src="//"></script>

& another asset…

	public $baseUrl = '@staticUrl/path/to/resource';

	public $css = [



	public $js = [



where I put the files there myself, Yii inserts…

	<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">


	<script src="//"></script>

That’s 2 out of 3.

However I’d like publish an asset to its own directory, ‘/static/myasset/34a1a0d3’ & ‘//’, for use by both application ends. The directory name ‘myasset’ could sensibly be ‘common’, but I’d like to have the asset define it. The desired HTML would be…

	<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">


	<script src="//"></script>

I first thought I could do this by adding $basePath to the asset definition…

	public $sourcePath = '@static/path/to/asset/lib';

	public $basePath = '@static/myasset';

	public $css = [



	public $js = [



But $basePath defined in the asset is ignored for the one defined in config & my asset is published exactly the same as the first example with the same HTML.

Even though it doesn’t reall make sense not to have it, I try removing $sourcePath & have no asset published & HTML…

	<link href="/css/asset.css" rel="stylesheet">


	<script src="/js/asset.js"></script>

If I add…

	public $sourcePath = '@static/path/to/asset/lib';

to the asset definition, the ‘$basePath’ defined in the asset is ignored & it’s

If I include $baseUrl in the asset definition…

	public $sourcePath = '@static/path/to/asset/lib';

	public $basePath = '@static/myasset';

	public $baseUrl = '@staticUrl/myasset';


I get no asset published & HTML…

	<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">


	<script src="//"></script>

Any ideas as to how I can have the assets publish to a directory defined in the asset? Put another way, I’d like to be able to define an asset so that it publishes with ‘endname’ in $basePath & $baseUrl of the first example, swapped for ‘myasset’.