yii2 user

hi , sorry for english , i try to install yii2 user .

i insert this row on composer.json :

"dektrium/yii2-user": "*"

than i run :

php composer.phar update

but i have this problem

PHP Fatal error: Class 'Composer\Installer\InstallerEvents' not found in /home/stefano/.composer/vendor/fxp/composer-asset-plugin/FxpAssetPlugin.php on line 65

Fatal error: Class 'Composer\Installer\InstallerEvents' not found in /home/stefano/.composer/vendor/fxp/composer-asset-plugin/FxpAssetPlugin.php on line 65

Try updating composer to last version first. Run

php composer.phar self-update

Tank’s work for me …

Now i have another problem , when i import the db by local to host i have this :

-- Struttura della tabella `social_account`


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `social_account` (

`id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,

`user_id` int( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL ,

`provider` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`client_id` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`data` text,

PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,

UNIQUE KEY `account_unique` ( `provider` , `client_id` ) ,

KEY `fk_user_account` ( `user_id` )


Messaggio di MySQL: Documentazione

#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes