Dao, Cache, Pagination And Sqldataprovider


I’m building a large-scale website using Yii. I don’t want to use ActiveRecord on the main content list page because of performance issue. but if I use DAO, how to deal with the pagination in Model? return an array with total item count and list data? or return a CSqlDataProvider object? maybe CSqlDataProvider is better,but how to use cache with it?

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for my poor English :blink:

I couldn’t find anything about it, so I’ve editted CSqlDataProvider and renamed it to CachedSqlDataProvider.

I’ve simply added 2 public variables ($queryCache and $queryCacheLife) in the class and edited fetchData method.





foreach($this->params as $name=>$value)







if( $this->queryCache == true && is_numeric($this->queryCacheLife) && $this->queryCacheLife > 0 )

	$command=$db->cache( $this->queryCacheLife )->createCommand($sql);




	foreach($this->params as $name=>$value)




Now you can use it like this;


$dataProvider = new CachedSqlDataProvider( $sql, array( 'queryCache' => true, 'queryCacheLife' => 300 ) );


Here is the full class file


class CachedSqlDataProvider extends CDataProvider


	public $queryCache;

	public $queryCacheLife;


	 * @var CDbConnection the database connection to be used in the queries.

	 * Defaults to null, meaning using Yii::app()->db.



	public $db;


	 * @var string the SQL statement to be used for fetching data rows.


	public $sql;


	 * @var array parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the SQL statement.


	public $params=array();


	 * @var string the name of key field. Defaults to 'id'.


	public $keyField='id';


	 * Constructor.

	 * @param string $sql the SQL statement to be used for fetching data rows.

	 * @param array $config configuration (name=>value) to be applied as the initial property values of this class.


	public function __construct($sql,$config=array())



		foreach($config as $key=>$value)




	 * Fetches the data from the persistent data storage.

	 * @return array list of data items


	protected function fetchData()



		$db=$this->db===null ? Yii::app()->db : $this->db;








					$sql.=', '.$order;


					$sql.=' ORDER BY '.$order;










		if( $this->queryCache == true && $this->queryCacheLife > 0 )

			$command=$db->cache( $this->queryCacheLife )->createCommand($sql);




		foreach($this->params as $name=>$value)


		return $command->queryAll();



	 * Fetches the data item keys from the persistent data storage.

	 * @return array list of data item keys.


	protected function fetchKeys()



		foreach($this->getData() as $i=>$data)


		return $keys;



	 * Calculates the total number of data items.

	 * This method is invoked when {@link getTotalItemCount()} is invoked

	 * and {@link totalItemCount} is not set previously.

	 * The default implementation simply returns 0.

	 * You may override this method to return accurate total number of data items.

	 * @return integer the total number of data items.


	protected function calculateTotalItemCount()


		return 0;


