rar problem - Column name must be either a string or an array.

i can`t figure out how to solve this exception:

" Column name must be either a string or an array. "

i think is something that has to do with ar

i have three tables

Tags TagSongRel Songs

i am saving the tag and song an getting their id,

and after that i want to save the relation between both of them with this code

public function add($id_song, $id_tags) {

        $this->id_song = $id_song;

        foreach ((array)$id_tags as $key => $id_tag) {

            $this->id_tag = $id_tag;

            if(!$this->save()) {

                echo 'error saving song artist rel';





when i call $this->save() in the TagSongRel i get the exception

thanks in advance

Can you post your entire controller & model code?


to make the error disappear i had to add a new column with a primary key on the relational table.

what i dont understand is why i need an primary key in every table, even in a relation table where all i need to store is the ids of the rows primary keys. the relation table primary key is not needed because i dont care about order or only a row.

