[solved] delete file

Hi guys,

i have a function to upload new and update images for a profile. What i am looking for now is a function to delete the ‘old’ image, after update or if the user wants to delete his profile image.

I cannot find any function in the api to delete a file…

Do you have any hints for me where to look?



Isn’t it a PHP function unlink()?

Thanks, that helped alot!


I tried to delete the files as you suggest using unlink and got following error.

unlink(/Users/monaye/Dropbox/website/umenoki-yii/protected/../images/) [<a href='function.unlink'>function.unlink</a>]: Operation not permitted 

This is my actionUpdate

public function actionUpdate($id)



		// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

		// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);








			if($model->save()) {


				$imageName = Patients::model()->find('ID=?',"$model->ID");










Thank you for the help

Looks like you are trying to delete a directory. Check the $imageName value before unlink and make sure you have write permissions for images directory.

Thank you for the comment. Andy.

I was able to make it work. Code is not pretty, so I myself not really satisfied. Please let me know if you have cleaner and simpler way to achieve this.

Also, I am more of JS guy and get used to Firebug’s console.log to get value of $valuable but not sure hot to do it in yii. I usually just echo out $valuable but not working within actionUpdate function.

Thank you for the help.

public function actionUpdate($id)







			// Define image's location

			$imageLocation = Yii::app()->basePath."/../images/";


			// query table where ID = currnet ID

			$patientInfo = Patients::model()->find("ID = ".$model->ID);


			// if patientPic(image) field in table is not empty

			// delete images  





			// get fileuploaded info

			$imageInfo = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model,'patientPic');


			// replace all space in file name with _  

			$imageName = str_replace(" ","_",$imageName->name);


			// Adding yearmonthdate_time to file name

			$imageName = date("Ymd_Gi")."_".$imageName;


			// ready to update database with new filename



			if($model->save()) {


				// can't use $imageName since it only contain file name

				// saveAs need $imageInfo -> tempName 







