How to display page on fancybox...using CHtml::ajaxlink with yii validation

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1) include the fancybox extesion otherwise fancybox js

$this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array(
    'target' => 'a[class=fancybox1]',
    'config' => array(),

2)create the CHtml::ajaxlink

echo CHtml::ajaxlink('Request New Liquor', array('liquor/addnewliquor'), array(
                "type" => "GET",
                "data" => array("vid" => $vid, "ajax" => true),
                "success" => "function(data){
                    ), array('live' => false, 'class' => 'blue', 'id' => rand(0, 99999)));

and write a code on controller..and renderPartial page

public function actionaddnewliquor() {
        $cs = Yii::app()->clientScript;
        $cs->scriptMap = array(
            'jquery.js' => false, // prevent produce jquery.js in additional javascript data
            'jquery.min.js' => false,

     $this->renderPartial('/liquor/add_new_liquor', array('model' => $model), false, true);

Note: i add the jquery.js and jquery.min.js false when ajax call beacuse it's issue when open a fancy-box it's not working close i can false both this js...

Hope it's helpful...