PHPStorm & NetBeans autocomplete problem

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  1. PHPStorm 5
  2. NetBeans

The problem: If you type Yii::app()->user<ctrl+space> code completion didn't work. This solve it.

PHPStorm 5

  1. /yii/framework/yii.php right click "Mark as Plain text"
  2. Create new php file in your project /protected directory named yii.php with this content:

class Yii extends YiiBase
	 * Returns the application singleton or null if the singleton has not been created yet.
	 * @return CWebApplication the application singleton, null if the singleton has not been created yet.
	public static function app()
		return self::app();

That's all. Test it. Yii::app()->user->check<ctrl+space>


  1. Tools->Options->Miscellaneous->Files->Ignored Files Pattern

Create new php file in your project /protected directory named yii.php with this content:


class Yii extends YiiBase
	 * Returns the application singleton or null if the singleton has not been created yet.
	 * @return CWebApplication the application singleton, null if the singleton has not been created yet.
	public static function app()
		return self::app();

That's all. Test it. Yii::app()->user->check<ctrl+space>