yii-elastica a Yii application component, Dataprovider and autoloader,

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage example

to use Elastica PHP library inside Yii framework. the aim of this componenets is to create a dataprovider that can be used with all other Yii extesions or widgets (ex: CGridView). Download.


...requirements of using this extension (e.g. Yii 1.1 or above)...

##Main configrations
'preload' => array('importelastica'),

'components' => array(
    'class' => 'application.extensions.ElasticaLoader',
    'libPath' => 'application.lib', //assume you installed Elastica to /lib/
  'elastica' => array(
    'class' => 'application.components.Elastica',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => '9200',
    'debug' => true

Usage example

$elastica_query = new Elastica\Query();
$term_filter = new \Elastica\Filter\Term();
$term_filter->setTerm('name', 'Elastica_test');
$dataprovider =  ElasticaDataProvider('indexname', $elastica_query, array(
  'sort' => array(
    'attributes' => array('attribute.desc',),
  'pagination' => array(
    'pageSize' => 30,
), 'type_name_optional');

$data = $dataprovider->getData();

type name will be used ad the model name by default, if type name was not provided, the data provider will try to use the index name as a model name.

4 0
Yii Version: Unknown
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Database
Developed by: ash
Created on: Aug 3, 2013
Last updated: 10 years ago

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