fb-like-share-button Yii extension for facebook Like, Recommend & Share button with custom attributes.

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Demo
  5. Download
  6. Usual parameters to be adjusted

All-in-one Yii extension including Like, Recommend & Share button with custom attributes like - action, layout, color scheme, user faces, show share etc.


Tested with Yii 1.1.16


  • Download the latest release package
  • Unpack it in /protected/extensions/ folder


Paste the code into your main.php page or also you can use this code as per your requirement on any page.

$this->widget('application.extensions.fbLikeShareButton.fbLikeShareButton', array(
        'fbbutton' => array(
		'url'=>'https://facebook.com/yiiexperts', //http://www.facebook.com/fb_page
		'action'=>'like', //Display button - like or recommend
		'width'=>'200', //Layout width
		'height'=>'50', //Layout height
		'layout'=>'standard', //Layout - standard, button_count, button, box_count
		'color_scheme'=>'light', //Layout color scheme - light, dark
		'show_share'=>'true', //Display share button - true, false 
		'show_faces'=>'false', //Show user faces - true, false


Facebook Like & Share Button



Usual parameters to be adjusted

  • url: Your facebook page link (url: http://www.facebook.com/fb_page)
  • action: Display button (action: like, recommend)
  • width: Layout width (in digit: 200)
  • height: Layout height (in digit: 50)
  • layout: Layout style (layout: standard, button_count, button, box_count)
  • color_scheme: Layout color scheme (layout: light, dark)
  • share: Display share button (show_post: true, false)
  • faces: Show user faces (show_faces: true, false)