gallerymanager Gallery and Image Management for the end user.

  1. Note:This extension is buggy now,and I have no intent to update it.
  2. Overview
  3. Requirements
  4. Features
  5. Installation Instructions
  6. Getting Started
  7. Resources

Note:This extension is buggy now,and I have no intent to update it.


A module that provides backend Gallery and Image Management for the end user,and a native Gallery widget to render the images on the front end.The Gallery Widget comes with an option to render the images in EGalleria,(a jQuery Slider,see RESOURCES).It can easily be modified to render the images in the slider of your choice.


Developed and tested with Yii 1.1.8,but will probably work with older versions too.


  • Single Administration Page with tabs for easy management.
  • Mostly Ajax based operations with page refreshes kept to minimum.
  • Create,Update,Delete Galleries.Provide title and description.
  • Bulk Upload of images,(maximum number of images and maximum file size configurable).
  • Update title,description and link for images,Delete Images.
  • Drag and Drop Reordering of images.
  • Render the images on the front end with native widget: Can be used as stand alone or with the slider of your choice. The widget comes with an option for usage in EGalleria.

In Home Page you see the rendering of the stand alone Gallery widget which uses PrettyPhoto. In useInEGalleria you see the widget rendered in EGalleria. In Gallery Manager you can test creating,updating and deleting of galleries and images. Your images will not appear in Home page,only in Management page. Note that you cannot edit or delete the National Geographic Gallery.

Installation Instructions

  • Hide index.php from your requests,if you have'nt done so yet.You can find detailed instructions on how to do this here..Also,in urlManager configuration in config/main.php file set
  • This module has CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) validation enabled.POST ajax requests will not work unless you configure your request in config/main.php to use CSRF validation: At the top of the config/main.php file (outside of the configuration array):

In the configuration array,inside the components array:

... other components..
'request' => array(
                   'class' => 'CHttpRequest',
                   'enableCookieValidation' => true,
                   'enableCsrfValidation' => !isset($_POST['dontvalidate']) ? true : false,
		   'csrfCookie' => array( 'domain' => '.' . $current_domain )
...other components..

Note: If you are developing with Google Chrome,this browser does not accept cookies with domain .localhost,so it's better to set up a virtual host in your local enviroment in this case. If you have reasons to not use CSRF validation,you can search in the module's code for the YII_CSRF_TOKEN variable and remove it from POST ajax requests.

  • I have developed this module to serve the needs of a bilingual application.So for every title and description column in the database there is a tr_title and tr_description for translated values.The default source language assumed is "en",(not "en_US" which is the default in Yii),so if language is "en", title and description will be used,in any other case the translated counterparts will be used.Use this information to modify your application accordingly.If you don't need the bilingual feature,just do a code search for
Yii::app()->language =='en'

and remove the language conditional statements.

  • Exctract the downloaded zip and copy imgManager folder to modules folder of your Yii application.
  • Create the two tables in your database using the gallery_manager.sql file found in data folder.
  • Create the folder that images will be uploaded to, with a name of your choice, inside the base folder of your Yii application (:same level as protected).In module configuration (see below) you will specify the name of the folder you just created as 'upload_directory'.
  • In config/main.php of your Yii application include imgManager in modules array,like so: (The module is configured with default values.)

    //...other modules...

  'imgManager' => array(
                        'max_file_number' => '10',//max number of files for bulk upload.
                        'max_file_size' => '1mb',
    //...other modules...

Getting Started

  • Navigate to the module ( [baseURL]/imgManager ).You should see the administration page.
  • Click the Gallery Administration tab and create your first gallery by clicking on the + button on the right.
  • Select the newly created gallery from the dropdown list,go to Image Uploader tab and upload some images.
  • Provide titles and descriptions,and save.Go to Uploaded Images tab and rearrange the order of the images with drag and drop.Clicking on the thumbnails will show the full sized image in PrettyPhoto.(In Google Chrome the drag and drop event also fires the click event and opens the full sized image.).
  • Clicking on the pencil icon will bring up an update form,where you can change title,description and link.The link can be used in sliders.For example in EGalleria a link is set by specifying the longdesc attribute of the img tag.actionGetlinks in PlController is used to fetch available links to populate the autocomplete dropdown list.For demonstration purposes,some hard coded links are returned from this action.You can modify this action to return offsite or onsite links,like links to your application's articles for example.
  • To show a gallery on the frontend simply include this line in your view file:
<?php  $this->widget('imgManager.widgets.Gallery',array('galleryID' =>[the gallery ID integer])); ?>

You can have multiple instances of this widget in the same page,for more than one galleries.

  • You can also use this widget inside EGalleria (see RESOURCES section for link to egalleria extension).You simply include in your view file the following code:
   <?php  $this->widget('imgManager.widgets.Gallery',array('galleryID' =>[the gallery ID integer],'useInEGalleria'=>true));?>
   <?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

Note that you can modify the Gallery Widget so that it outputs image tags in the format that your favorite slider expects.See prepareForEGalleria function in Gallery widget class and _EGalleria_Item in widget/views to give you an idea.

Cheers,Spiros 'drumaddict' Kabasakalis.


NOTE: With the exception of egalleria extension,you don't have to download these assets,they are already included in module's extension folder.

24 8
5 740 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: MIT
Category: User Interface
Developed by: drumaddict
Created on: Jul 27, 2011
Last updated: 11 years ago


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