Extensions in category Database

Showing 85-96 of 133 items.


Database 0 477
A Helper Class to allow for iteration over a large set of active records using a CActiveDataProvider
Created by allain, 12 years ago.


Database 0 406
CActiveRecordBehavior for converting checkBoxList data to INT database field
Created by Evgeny L, 12 years ago.


Database 5 927
Custom model generator for gii that generates an abstract class and a concrete class of a specified model
Created by William Lepinski, 12 years ago.


Database 9 1559
Extension to MigrateCommand that adds module support and many more usefull features.
Created by CeBe, 12 years ago.


Database 1 528
Behavior that eases the translation of project model dynamic content.
Created by kmdm, 12 years ago.


Database 2 627
AutoCountSqlDataProvider has the ability to use pagination without first counting all the rows, thus increasing performance.
Created by prekageo, 12 years ago.


Database 0 782
Allow use crud like pages for manage table records with some improvements.
Created by claymore, 12 years ago.


Database 29 4668
ESaveRelatedBehavior enables ActiveRecord models to save HAS_MANY relational active records and MANY_MANY relations.
Created by sluderitz, 12 years ago, updated 10 years ago.


Database 0 966
Enables automatic saving and deletion of related model records
Created by Tudor Ilisoi, 12 years ago.


Database 0 1949
general table manager module handling relations
Created by nlac, 12 years ago.


Database 20 1035
Behavior that attaches methods for validation of composite unique keys of AR-models
Created by ololo, 12 years ago.


Database 1 1515
Client library for Riak key/value store
Created by intel352, 13 years ago.