yii-barcode-generator-8-types This extension supports barcode types ean8, ean13, upc, std25, int25, code11, code39, code93, code128, codabar, msi, datamatrix

This extension based on "Simple jQuery Based Barcode Generator" Wrapper for BarCode Coder Library (BCC Library Version 2.0) by DEMONTE Jean-Baptiste, HOUREZ Jonathan.

Licence : GPL / Cecill.
[Web site]( http://barcode-coder.com/ "")

Barcode types supported:

EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC, standard 2 of 5 (industrial), interleaved 2 of 5, code 11, code 39, code 93, code 128, codabar, MSI, Data Matrix,

Output formats supported:

CSS, BMP (not usable in IE), Canvas (not usable in IE).

  • Yii Version 1.1.13 or later
  • Extract the downloaded zip file and place it inside application extensions directory.
  • Use the following code as per your requirement.

  • "div" or "canvas" must be specified with an id in your view where you want to display the bracode "<" div id="showBarcode" ">""<"/div">" OR if output option is canvas "<"canvas id="showBarcode" width="150" height="150"">""<"/canvas">"

  • Version 1.2 update Fixed the Bug Regarding CDetail View not displaying. Removed div element creation inside the extension, which causes this bug with Yii framework 1.1.15.
  • Version 1.1 update Same as the previous but no need of the div element, minor modification of the Common Class function.
Helper Class Common under models (No need to call the extension initialization):
class Common{
    /* bracode */
    public static function getItemBarcode($valueArray) {
        $elementId = $valueArray['itemId'] . "_bcode"; /*the div element id*/
        $value = $valueArray['barocde'];
        $type = 'code128'; /* you can set the type dynamically if you want valueArray eg - $valueArray['type']*/
        self::getBarcode(array('elementId' => $elementId, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type)); 
 return CHtml::tag('div', array('id' => $elementId));

     * This function returns the item barcode
    public static function getBarcode($optionsArray) {
        Yii::app()->getController()->widget('ext.barcode.Barcode', $optionsArray);
Usage with helper class Common :
  • Usage with CGridView
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
    'id' => 'st-item-grid',
    'dataProvider' => $model->search(),
    'filter' => $model,
    'columns' => array(
        array('name' => 'item_barcode', 'type' => 'raw', 'value'=>'Common::getItemBarcode(array("itemId"=> $data->item_id, "barocde"=>$data->item_barcode))'),

  • Usage with CDetail View
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(
    'data' => $model,
    'attributes' => array(
            'name' => 'item_barcode',
            'value' => Common::getItemBarcode(array("itemId"=> $model->item_id, "barocde"=>$model->item_barcode))
  • Usage with a View
/* if multiple barcodes make sure itemId is unique*/
$optionsArray = array(
'itemId'=> 'barcode-div', /*id for div or canvas */
'barocde'=> '4797001018719', /* value for EAN 13 be careful to set right values for each barcode type */
'type'=>'ean13',/*supported types  ean8, ean13, upc, std25, int25, code11, code39, code93, code128, codabar, msi, datamatrix*/
echo Common::getItemBarcode($optionsArray);
Initialize the widget in your view regular way by initializing the widget
echo '<div id="showBarcode"><div>'; //the same id should be given to the extension item id 

$optionsArray = array(
'elementId'=> 'showBarcode', /*id of div or canvas*/
'value'=> '4797001018719', /* value for EAN 13 be careful to set right values for each barcode type */
'type'=>'ean13',/*supported types  ean8, ean13, upc, std25, int25, code11, code39, code93, code128, codabar, msi, datamatrix*/

$this->widget('ext.barcode.Barcode', $optionsArray);
  • Widget with advanced options
  • Kindly note there are specific settings for canvas output and datamatrix type if not set default settings will be applied.
$optionsArray = array(
'type' => 'code128',
   'output'=>'css' /*css, bmp, canvas note- bmp and canvas incompatible wtih IE*/,
   /*if the output setting canvas*/
   'posX' => 10,
   'posY' => 20,
   /* */
   'bgColor'=>'#00FF00', /*background color*/
   'color' => '#000000', /*"1" Bars color*/
   'barWidth' => 1,
   'barHeight' => 50,   
   /*-----------below settings only for datamatrix--------------------*/
   'moduleSize' => 5,
   'addQuietZone' => 0, /*Quiet Zone Modules */
'rectangular'=> true /* true or false*/
 /* */
1 0
1 184 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: GPL-3.0
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Vilo
Created on: Aug 21, 2014
Last updated: 8 years ago


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