database-live-search live search in database. search as you type. results filtered as you type

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  3. Resources

This is a free search extension to search in database. This extension produces the results as we type and the search narrows down as we type more and more.This extension is incredibly helpful for quick search "Something like google does". Free Search Yii


Yii 1.1 or above NOTE:- try to keep less number of columns for fast and accurate results


Firstly create a folder called js in root (where the file index.php is there) and paste the file the file jquery.js (You can download this file from attachment or from jquery site)

Then we need to edit Model Class and add the following function. This will be the engine that will provide free search in database and will return the results. This function is currently returning model (Tested) , but you can also return the CActiveDataProvider.

public function freeSearch($keyword)
		/*Creating a new criteria for search*/
		$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
		$criteria->compare('name', $keyword, true, 'OR');
		$criteria->compare('barcode', $keyword, true, 'OR');
		$criteria->compare('part_number', $keyword, true, 'OR');

		/*result limit*/
		$criteria->limit = 100;
		/*When we want to return model*/
		return	Items::model()->findAll($criteria);
		/*To return active dataprovider uncomment the following code*/
		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(

Then we will be creating two actions (functions) in the controller class to perform this search. The first function (actionFreeSearch()) will be the main static page where we will provide the keyword. This page will send request to next function with the keyword parameter (actionSearchEngine($keyword)). This keyword is then send to model which will perform the search on that keyword and will return the results.

public function actionFreeSearch()
		$model=new Items('search');
	public function actionSearchEngine($keyword)
	//	echo "THIS IS IAJAXX  ".$keyword;
		$model=new Items();
		$model->unsetAttributes();  // clear any default values

Also you need to modify the access rules

array('allow', // allow authenticated user to perform 'create' and 'update' actions

Now you need to create two views. First one for the actionFreeSearch() function which will be freeSearch.php

<body onload="document.search_form.query.focus()">
  /*To import the client script*/
  $baseUrl = Yii::app()->baseUrl; 
  $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();

  <div class="admin">
  <script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {


var faq_search_input = $(this).val();
var dataString = 'keyword='+ faq_search_input;

var ref_id = $('#ref_id').val(); 
var cust_id = $('#cust_id').val(); 
var current_url = $('#current_url').val(); 

/*This is the minimum size of search string. Search will be only done when at-least 3 characters are provided in input*/

type: "GET",
url: current_url+"/SearchEngine",
data: dataString,
/*Uncomment this if you want to send the additional data*/
//data: dataString+"&refid="+ref_id+"&custid="+cust_id,
beforeSend:  function() {


success: function(server_response)


if ($('input#faq_search_input').hasClass("loading")) {

}return false;


/*You need to change the URL as per your requirements, else this will show error page*/

/*To Send the additional data if needed*/
$reference_id = 88;
$customer_id = 77;
//echo "Search   :".$current_url;
		<input type="hidden" id="current_url" value="<?php echo $current_url;?>"/> 
	 	<input type="hidden" id="ref_id" value="<?php echo $reference_id ;?>"/> 
	 	<input type="hidden" id="cust_id" value="<?php echo $customer_id ;?>"/>  
                Enter Item Name Part Number or barcode<br><br>
                <!-- The Searchbox Starts Here  -->
                <form  name="search_form">
                 <input  name="query" type="text" id="faq_search_input" style="background-color: #FFFFFF" />
                <!-- The Searchbox Ends  Here  -->
        <div id="searchresultdata" class="faq-articles"> </div>

Lastly you need to create a file _ajax_search.php for presenting the database results. This file is getting called every time we are typing each character.

foreach ($results as $row)
echo "<br>";
echo "Name: ".$row['name']."   ";
echo "Part Number: ".$row['part_number']."   ";
echo "Barcode ".$row['barcode']."   ";


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1 617 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: GPL-3.0
Category: User Interface
Developed by: SudeepTalati
Created on: Feb 6, 2012
Last updated: 11 years ago


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