thumbsgen Generates thumbnails by images of jpg/jpeg, png or gif format

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage

This extension generates thumbnails by images jpg/jpeg, png or gif format. There are many parameters like width,height, source, destination folder etc that you can manage


Developed and tested with Yii 1.1.12 but may working with older versions too. GD library PHP


1) Extract archive in your extensions folder 2) In the site root create a folder named "images" if it not exist and extract your images

3) in components part of config/main.php put this code

'ThumbsGen' => array(
                  'class' => 'application.extensions.ThumbsGen.ThumbsGen',

Alternatively you could put this code in your controller that have to generate the thumbnails

Yii::app()->setComponents(array('ThumbsGen' => array(
                'class' => 'ext.ThumbsGen.ThumbsGen',

4) Now you can generate the thumbnails in Controller by this code


5) If you want to get the full pathname of thumbnails in array, call


Notes: You could use this components with full parameters issue (initialize):

Yii::app()->setComponents(array('ThumbsGen' => array(
'class' => 'ext.ThumbsGen.ThumbsGen',
'scaleResize' => null, //if it is not null $thumbWidth and $thumbHeight will be ommited. for example 'scaleResize'=>0.5 generate image with half dimension
//one of $thumbWidth or $thumbHeight is optional but not both!
'thumbWidth' => 200, //the width of created thumbnail on pixel. if height is null the aspect ratio will be reserved
'thumbHeight' => null, //the height of created thumbnail on pixel. if width is null the aspect ratio will be reserved
'baseSourceDir' =>  Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.images'), //the main direcory of source images. if set to null the destination dir is the <webroot>/images
'baseDestDir' =>  Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.images.thumbs'), //the main direcory of thumbnails. if set to null the destination dir is the <webroot>/images/thumbs
'postFixThumbName' => '_thumb', //the postfix name of thumbnail for example if it set = '_thumb' then  image1.jpg become image1_thumb.jpg
'nameImages' => array('*'), //the names of images into $baseSourceDir, for example ('01.jpg','03.jpg'). the asterisk means all files jpg/jpeg, png or gif
'recreate' => true, //force to create each thumbnail either exist or not, when is set to false the tumbnails created only in the first time


scaleResize: if it is not null $thumbWidth and $thumbHeight will be ommited. for example scaleResize'=>0.5 generate image with half dimension

thumbWidth: the width of created thumbnail on pixel. if height is null the aspect ratio will be reserved

thumbHeight: the height of created thumbnail on pixel. if width is null the aspect ratio will be reserved

baseSourceDir: the main direcory of source images. if set to null the destination dir is the /images

baseDestDir: the main direcory of thumbnails. if set to null the destination dir is the /images/thumbs

postFixThumbName: the postfix name of thumbnail for example if it set = '_thumb' then image1.jpg become image1_thumb.jpg

nameImages: the names of images into $baseSourceDir, for example ('01.jpg','03.jpg'). the asterisk means all files jpg/jpeg, png or gif

recreate: force to create each thumbnail either exist or not, when is set to false the tumbnails created only in the first time

2 0
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Created on: Apr 15, 2013
Last updated: 11 years ago


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