Wiki articles tagged with "CGridView"

Showing 21-40 of 62 items.

Insert a multirow header in CGridView

Created 10 years ago by Peppe, updated 9 years ago by Peppe.

The CGridView widget is very useful and customizable, but sometimes you need a little more. One limit I found is to have only one row for headers; yes, you can write each column header in more than one row, but just inside the single cell. I was looking instead for the possibility to use more than one row, with different structure one from the others. This way **you can write columns grouping h...

4 0
Viewed: 27 274 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to avoid rendering entire page on AJAX call for CGridView and CListView

Created 10 years ago by VINAY Kr. SHARMA, updated 8 years ago by VINAY Kr. SHARMA.

CGridView and CListView are great widget to populate records and also provides features like ajax update, column sort, search, drop-down filter, ajax content load and many more...

3 0
Viewed: 31 384 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

multiple CActiveDataProviders in one CGridView

Created 10 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 9 years ago by Nashi.

There is a few cases that you want more of one CActiveDataProvider displayed in one CGrideView How to do that?

4 1
Viewed: 32 506 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

CGridView. Add custom class to table rows preserving original „odd“ and „even“

Created 10 years ago by Maug Lee, updated 9 years ago by yugene.

Lets say we have such a CGridView widget showing a list of users for administrator. Users have status „active“ or „disabled“. Grid widget puts class „odd“ or „even“ to rows and we want to preserve this. So we want to add a class „disabled“ to rows with disabled users.


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
7 0
Viewed: 53 910 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

CGridView: Adding behaviors from configuration, and template items from behaviors to CGridView

Created 11 years ago by le_top, updated 11 years ago by le_top.

Changing the way a CGridView is rendered from the configuration file, or through behaviors specified at the moment it is used, is handy to extend a CGridView without creating tons of different classes for it. I am surprised that this is not in the default implementation, so I made my default CGridView implementation.

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Viewed: 14 822 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Adding a date range search for CGridView the easy way

Created 11 years ago by mikewalen, updated 10 years ago by mikewalen.
  1. Create an Active Record Behavior that builds the criteria for the search() method and attach it to your model
  2. Modify the search() method of the model to merge the behavior's criteria in with the rest of the searchable attributes
  3. Modify the _search form view to add the date range inputs
6 0
Viewed: 42 093 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Adding a link to a CDataColumn

Created 11 years ago by le_top, updated 11 years ago by le_top.

Backoffice Grid Views often list information like Posts for a blog while showing at the same time linked information like the User who wrote that post. For more efficiency, it is appropriate that the User is displayed as a link to the User detail page.

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Viewed: 26 568 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Limit a CGridView field to some preset length.

Created 11 years ago by le_top, updated 11 years ago by le_top.

Sometimes text inside a gridview column is just too long. That's why I figured out a way to make the column smaller while still providing the information.

9 0
Viewed: 22 241 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Adding 'disabled' to CCheckBoxColumn and support for yiigridview.js

Created 11 years ago by Xgamer99, updated 11 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

I recently had to have a checkbox column in my grid view that supported the 'disabled' attribute. This was easy enough to do by extending the CCheckBoxColumn. However, I also wanted the checkbox to be selected when clicking on the table's row (supported via CGridView's selectableRows option). I discovered I had to tweak yiigridview.js so that it would not select disabled rows when clicking on it o...

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Viewed: 21 352 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Create custom button button with AJAX function in CGridView

Created 11 years ago by nkd, updated 11 years ago by nkd.

This will call the controller function using AJAX instead of redirecting the user to the url using GET parameters.

5 0
Viewed: 67 424 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Displaying, sorting and filtering HasMany & ManyMany relations in CGridView

Created 11 years ago by yJeroen, updated 11 years ago by yJeroen.

This tutorial gives you multiple options of how to fully implement showing, sorting and filtering related data in gridviews.


17 0
Viewed: 74 442 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CGridView, CListView and CActiveDataProvider

Created 11 years ago by softark, updated 10 years ago by softark.

CGridView (or CListView) together with CActiveDataProvider is a very powerful combination of the built-in tools of Yii. But how do they work together to accomplish their fantastic functions? And what are you expected to do to use them and to customize their behaviors? This article explains the very basics of them.

26 0
Viewed: 143 475 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CButtonColumn: Use special variable $data for the 'id' in the 'options' of a button

Created 11 years ago by bluezed, updated 11 years ago by bluezed.

Inspired by it I extended the CButtonColumn class like this:

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Viewed: 43 376 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Customize CGridView columns directly in your view

Created 11 years ago by clapas, updated 11 years ago by clapas.

You usually take a model instance passed into your view to provide data to a CGridView in this way:

2 1
Viewed: 39 175 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Working with CGridView in Admin Panel

Created 11 years ago by vibhaJadwani, updated 11 years ago by vibhaJadwani.

This is a tutorial for how to add input text-Field, check-box, buttons in CGridView.

21 1
Viewed: 90 443 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

BootProgressColumn - Progress Bar Inside GridView Column compatible with 'bootstrap' extension

Created 11 years ago by Luiz, updated 11 years ago by robregonm.

A little hint of how to create a progress bar inside the column of the grid, using the 'bootstrap' extension.

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Viewed: 24 461 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

How to filter CGridView with From Date and To Date datepicker

Created 11 years ago by kiran sharma, updated 11 years ago by kiran sharma.

This artical is related to allow user to filter CGridView with date range using datepicker on submit button. Here I use Yii Cookie to preserve date in datepicker textbox after submitting the form.

9 0
Viewed: 63 267 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Displaying image in a CGridView column.

Created 11 years ago by sirin k, updated 6 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

This is a simple example of how we can display images in CGridviews.Imagine that you have an image field in your table ie either a location field or a blob type field used to store the images.

9 1
Viewed: 74 651 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Dynamic parent and child CGridView on single view. Using $.ajax to update child gridview via controller, after row in parent gridview was clicked.

Created 12 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg, updated 10 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg.

Many desktop programmers are used to having dynamic forms, where clicking on a record in a parent sub-form, updates another sub-form with the child records. While having many levels of nested sub-forms in a single view might not be such a good idea for a web application, I thought doing it one level deep might be interesting and useful. But, instead of sub-forms I used CGridViews.

Searching and Sorting by Count of Related Items in CGridView

Created 12 years ago by softark, updated 9 years ago by softark.

class Post extends CActiveRecord {


} ` When you list Authors in grid you would like to print the count of posts in column, allow sorting on this column and probably filtering by the count.

21 0
Viewed: 58 436 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos