Wiki articles in category How-tos

Showing 101-120 of 292 items.

How to use Smarty renderer in Yii

Created 13 years ago by dongbeta, updated 13 years ago by dongbeta.

At first, create a class named SmartyRenderer under application/components or any directory you want.

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Viewed: 22 658 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to handle decimal separators (e.g comma instead of dot) for l18n

Created 12 years ago by jpablo, updated 12 years ago by jpablo.

Yii i18n does not cover decimal format. Some languages like Spanish (I live in Argentina) uses comma ',' instead of dot '.' as decimal separator.

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Viewed: 22 691 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to customize your grid columns visible and order by user themselves

Created 7 years ago by Scott_Huang, updated 7 years ago by Scott_Huang.

The export to excel function will affected by the final resorted columns in case you use my export grid to excel extends hzlexportgrid too, Since that export extention just depends on the grid columns configs, and that columns been customized by user themselves just now.

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1 follower
Viewed: 22 698 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to create a wrapper for a js library

Created 12 years ago by zaccaria, updated 12 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

This wiki will explain how to include a javascript library in a widget.

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Viewed: 22 805 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Get 'source' data from the database - for TbEditableColumn or EditableColumn ('type'=>'select' / dropdownlist)

Created 10 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg, updated 9 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg.

If you want to edit data directly in the gridview in a 'dropdownlist' style, then you could use the 'type' => 'select' option of TbEditableColumn (YiiBooster) or EditableColumn (x-editable for Yii). This wiki shows how to get data from the db for the 'dropdownlist', by converting AR model data into an array that is passed in json format.

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Viewed: 23 260 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Using Google Maps in Yii Applications via Jquery

Created 11 years ago by bluyell, updated 11 years ago by bluyell.
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Viewed: 23 328 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Update specific cgridview html row after AJAX request

Created 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz).

After of model update (successfull or not) throught CGridView (check the below link) you probably need to updates the specific row html in cgridview (not entire cgridview)

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Viewed: 23 397 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Update related models of a model using listBox and checkBoxList in the form

Created 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz).

Suppose you want to have a list in Category with its related products and you want to updates the list (removing or insert product items) This wiki show us how to do that

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1 follower
Viewed: 23 516 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

YouTube API v2.0 – Browser-based Uploading

Created 11 years ago by Vaibhav, updated 11 years ago by Vaibhav.

Through the YouTube API you can upload files directly to the Youtube server. Youtube currently offers two services 1. Direct Link 2. Browser Based Uploading. In this wiki I will demonstrate how you can quickly set Browser Based Uploading for your Yii application. This is the protocol request that takes place.

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Viewed: 24 068 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Open Dialog from ajax content

Created 11 years ago by Touzas, updated 11 years ago by Touzas.

This is the code in the View.

<?php echo CHtml::link('MyDialog', Yii::app()->createUrl('site/page'), array('class' => 'openDlg divDialog')); ?>
$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array('id'=>'divDialog',
	'options'=>array( 'title'=>Yii::t('Dialog Title', 'autoOpen'=>false, 'modal'=>true, 'width'=>600)));
	<div class="divForForm"></div>
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Viewed: 24 274 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to hide `index` action from URL

Created 11 years ago by rootbear, updated 11 years ago by rootbear.

Here is my experiment inspired by my own question and others from the forum.

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Viewed: 24 688 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: index

Use CGridview to sort and filter CSqlDataProvider - when used with UNRELATED tables (or complex queries)

Created 9 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg, updated 9 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg.

I have two tables called hospitals and departments. I have a junction table between them which holds the departments in each hospital. But sometimes I need a list of "All hospitals with All possible departments" - regardless of whether they are linked in the junction table or not.

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Viewed: 24 761 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to get & store Last Login DateTime in database?

Created 9 years ago by Rohit Suthar, updated 9 years ago by Rohit Suthar.

In this wiki I will show how could be store last login date & time in database. First we need a field LastLoginTime (Type must be datetime). this field store a user login detalis (like - Date & Time).

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Viewed: 24 915 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Using Grunt for deploying client scripts

Created 11 years ago by Chris83, updated 10 years ago by Chris83.

For a long time I have struggled to find a suitable tool for doing server tasks such as compiling LESS files, concatenating and minifying of JavaScript files and copying the minified JavaScript files. While most of these tasks can be done with Yii extensions I would still not recommend using them because it requires you to include these extensions in your project, and therefore also deploying them...

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Viewed: 24 971 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Radio Button List with enum values for column of type ENUM >+> incorporate into giix

Created 11 years ago by pckabeer, updated 11 years ago by pckabeer.

Let's say our table 'mug' has a column named 'color' of the type ENUM('red','green','blue').
We want to replace the textfield for the attribute color in the create and update forms of a 'mug' with a Radio Button List, which has the enum values as options.
This is a rewrite of c@cba in the wiki article of [enumDropdownList](http://www...

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Viewed: 25 076 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Update CGridview row separately using ajax request

Created 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz).

There are cases you want to update a record on CGridview directly

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Viewed: 25 087 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to re enable logging during unit testing

Created 12 years ago by Asgaroth, updated 12 years ago by Asgaroth.

Some of you have experienced the need to log some information while doing unit testing, due to the fact that the information given in the summary is just not enough, to know why the test is actually failing. this article focuses on 2 ways to get you logs up and running again.

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Viewed: 25 499 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to "masquerade" a non-required form element as 'required' one (in the view only)

Created 11 years ago by Boaz, updated 7 years ago by mrun.

Consider the following use case:

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Viewed: 25 535 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Sub-domains with different databases in Yii!

Created 12 years ago by jwerd, updated 12 years ago by jwerd.

I used another example posted here a while back where the person was modifying the index.php and adding in a switch case for different domains and loading separate config files. This was actually too much for me, because all my portals are the exact same (as far as routes, modules, extensions, etc) and if I ever wanted to add another route it wouldn't be feasible opening up all the config files t...

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Viewed: 25 738 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos