Wiki articles in category Tips

Showing 21-40 of 119 items.

Setting static modules' properties in config

Created 11 years ago by Alexander Palamarchuk, updated 11 years ago by Alexander Palamarchuk.

You may face a situation when you need to access to a configurable module's property from everywhere and you don't have an instance of this module's class.

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Viewed: 14 247 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: config, module

Solution for session lose of Facebook iframe application in Internet Explorer .

Created 11 years ago by sirin k, updated 6 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

Facebook iframe app’s session is losing in Internet Explorer when doing a second redirection inside the facebook iframe app.The main reason is ,by default IE wont allow cookies in its priavacy settings If cookies not available means session is also not available for our Facebook iframe app in IE.

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Viewed: 14 407 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Using Nginx and Apache2 in separate distributed servers (ie, Amazon EC2 instances)

Created 10 years ago by Luis Lobo Borobia, updated 6 years ago by Luis Lobo Borobia.

We are running one frontend running NGINX and several app servers running Apache2. There are several issues we have come across but right now I'll be documenting one of them. I'll be completing this article when I get more time.

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Viewed: 14 450 times
Version: all
Category: Tips

Yii code completion and calltips in Komodo Edit

Created 13 years ago by viter, updated 13 years ago by wei.

My favourite editor is Komodo Edit (free and crossplatform) and I use it for my everyday coding work. Just recently I found out how to make it help me to work with Yii. :) So follow these steps:

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Viewed: 14 635 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

BaseModuleAR class with MultiActiveRecord

Created 12 years ago by dinhtrung, updated 12 years ago by Gustavo.

MultiActiveRecord is an extension that add support for multiple database connection for your application.

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0 follower
Viewed: 14 734 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

CGridView: Adding behaviors from configuration, and template items from behaviors to CGridView

Created 11 years ago by le_top, updated 11 years ago by le_top.

Changing the way a CGridView is rendered from the configuration file, or through behaviors specified at the moment it is used, is handy to extend a CGridView without creating tons of different classes for it. I am surprised that this is not in the default implementation, so I made my default CGridView implementation.

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Viewed: 14 810 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Syntax check

Created 12 years ago by Russell England, updated 12 years ago by Russell England.

This will syntax check each php file recursively from the current directory.

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Viewed: 14 815 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: php, syntax

Preventing CJuiTabs from hiding drop-down CMenu items

Created 13 years ago by Steve Friedl, updated 13 years ago by RusAlex.

Almost all Yii applications use CMenu at the top of each page to show options available to the user, and many include drop-down components to allow more fine-grained selection.

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Viewed: 15 314 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Access log output from unit tests

Created 11 years ago by Mike, updated 11 years ago by Mike.

Say, you want to write a test for a component which provides a caching feature. How would you know, that some method of your component returns a cached result? With the solution described here you can inspect all log outputs. So you could search the logs for accesses to the DB to really make sure, that the result was served from cache.

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Viewed: 15 331 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Selecting best language based on Browser language and available languages.

Created 9 years ago by le_top, updated 9 years ago by le_top.

Your application is international and you have to select the best language for the user. Your user may have selected 'fr_CA' and you have 'fr_FR' or 'fr' available. What do you do? Here is a tip.

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1 follower
Viewed: 15 456 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Get notified about the status of a Facebook user in your web app using periodic Ajax calls.

Created 11 years ago by sirin k, updated 6 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.


 This article is helpful only if you have the following situation:
 A web app which uses facebook login to login its users and if a user is logged out from his/her facebook account through another browser tab, then your app dont know that he is logged out  out or not from his facebook account and he/she will remain as logged in your web application.Its ok if you have no problem wi...
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Viewed: 15 629 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: facebook, user

Directory independent extensions

Created 13 years ago by GOsha, updated 13 years ago by GOsha.

Many people want to use downloaded extensions in their own way. As for me most of the extensions require me to correct Yii::import() instructions inside their source code. All these extensions are directory dependent. To avoid the situation described above, I suggest to implement pseudo-anonymous aliases:

// take the curr...
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Viewed: 16 883 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Expert's model generation with Gii

Created 9 years ago by le_top, updated 9 years ago by le_top.

Efficient coding with Yii implies efficient use of the code generator. This article shares the personalised Gii templates that were built starting from the standard templates proposed by AweGen.

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Viewed: 16 944 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Update Gridview with Dropdown Selection

Created 9 years ago by lgastmans, updated 9 years ago by lgastmans.

I recently worked on updating the content of a gridview based on the selection of a dropdown menu. I thought I should share it in the forum...

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Viewed: 16 969 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

关于Yii CHttpSession性能优化篇之源码流程分析

Created 12 years ago by Darwin Wen, updated 12 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.


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Viewed: 17 245 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Fixing extensions without modifying their code

Created 11 years ago by schmunk, updated 11 years ago by schmunk.

If you're working a lot with extensions you often stumble upon problems, when you want to include them into your custom web application, like hardcoded or absolute path aliases or classes extended from core application components, which implement addiditonal features.

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Viewed: 17 313 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Making friends' configs, DB credentials and paths with version control

Created 11 years ago by Alexander Palamarchuk, updated 11 years ago by ajsharma.

In many cases developers of one project use their own local environments for coding. There may be a common test platform and, of course, production. All these environments usually have different DB credentials and directory structures (first of all, path to YII framework directory). Another feature is debugging. It's convenient to turn it on for local environments, eventually - on the test s...

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Viewed: 17 440 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: config

Yii behind a reverse proxy, SSL support and correct IP logging

Created 11 years ago by mrkmg, updated 11 years ago by mrkmg.

If you are hosting Yii behind a reverse proxy, for example nginx, and you are having issues with your logs showing the proxies IP, or the urls being created arn't being created for SSL because your SSL certs are located on your reverse proxy instead of the Yii server, this code may be able to help you. I placed them in the very top of Yii's entry script, index.php

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Viewed: 17 912 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Como trasponer una lista creada con CHtml::checkBoxList

Created 12 years ago by rdjteam, updated 12 years ago by rdjteam.

En ciertas ocasiones tenemos que lidiar con el tema de colocar una lista de checkboxes para hacer una seleccion especifica como es el caso de los dias de la semana para un calendario, para esta labor tenemos el comando CHtml::checkBoxList(), revisando un poco el funcionamiento de este temos los siguientes parametros:

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Viewed: 17 929 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Using MBMenu and Rights to automatically create menu item for your modules

Created 12 years ago by dinhtrung, updated 12 years ago by dinhtrung.

Using Rights generator component, we can easily create a dynamic menu, in which we scan every modules' controllers, to access the index page of them.

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Viewed: 18 112 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips