ActiveForm update?

i have got a Active Form. and its works fine.

if i press the button i got my error message (so its works). but the problem if i change something in my

field . i get a Ajax-Request and can see the right answer with firebug

but only with firebug :frowning: so didnt get it on my element (form)

because so if i press the button the will update (#form) but i like to update (#form) as well when i change

something in my field.

 <?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('enableAjaxValidation'=>true,

                'clientOptions' => array( 'validateonsubmit' => true, ),



 echo CHtml::submitButton('Anmelden',


			'ajax' => array(

			'type'=>'POST', //request type

			'url'=>"url", //url to call


                        array('id' => 'submitAnmelden')

		))); ?>

working now.