Dynamically adding form elements - Ajax and CFormModel

I want to dynamically add elements on a form using Ajax - this is the easy part. what I am having difficulty in doing is how best to deal with it using CFormModel. How do I create the model if I do not know the ammount of elements a user will add?



I haven’t done this myself, but I’d imagine you would add them as an array.

Assign the created fields names like Friend[] and it will return an array in $_POST with $_POST[‘Friend’][] ie ‘0’=>‘Mike’,‘1’=>‘Bob’, …

Well I have tried this (I think but cannot get it working)…

In my model…

public $questions = array();

In my view I have…



    <td><?php echo CHtml::activeLabel($model,'questions[]'); ?></td>

    <td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'questions[]', array('id' => 'questions_1')); ?></td>



    <td><?php echo CHtml::activeLabel($model,'questions[]'); ?></td>

    <td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'questions[]', array('id' => 'questions_2')); ?></td>


I have hardcoded two text fields to test but when assigning the model->attributes it doesn’t recognise questions as an array…

Any other suggestions?

I just started myself, but I haven’t found a way to make Yii recognize an attribute as an array. Whenever I save anything to the database or work with the data, I always


or the like…

I think I have this working…

In my model I declare the variable along with the others…

var $var1, $var2, $questions;

in my view it looks like this…

<table border="0" class="formtable">


    <td><?php echo CHtml::label('Question', 'questions[]'); ?></td>

    <td><?php echo CHtml::textField('questions[]','',array('id' => 'questions_1')); ?></td>



    <td><?php echo CHtml::label('Question', 'questions[]'); ?></td>

    <td><?php echo CHtml::textField('questions[]','',array('id' => 'questions_2')); ?></td>


and my controller is like this…



    $model->attributes = $_POST;






Yii now recognises it as an array and I can still run validation rules. All I then have to do is adjust the tag id to a unique value e.g. question_1, question_2 etc.

Hope that helps somebody.