background image not loaded starting application

Hi guys, following css-rule won’t be executed starting yii2-application, but it will be exceuted after recome to page from another one. So, if I push link on this site to another method of controller - it doesn’t give a damn, which one- and I return to page, background image will be loaded. Any ideas, what could prevent loading background-image immediately? Here is rule:

<div class="section mcb-section" style="background:url(../img/accept_all_you_see-wallpaper-1680x1050.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center top;-webkit-background-size:"></div>

See my attachement please, in order to understand me. first.jpg will show application at the beginning, second.jpg will show application, after having pushed link to another website in order to come back…

Got it by my own. Following code will fix problem:


$url = Yii::getAlias("@web") . '/img/';


<div class="section mcb-section" style="background:url(<?= $url ?>accept_all_you_see-wallpaper-1680x1050.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center top;-webkit-background-size:">