When overriding find in the model with a custom query class, how can I have default conditions in that query class?


I have a custom query class for a model:

namespace app\models;

use yii\db\ActiveQuery;

class ProductQuery extends ActiveQuery



     * @inheritdoc

     * @return \app\models\Project[]|array


    public function all($db = null) {

        return parent::all($db);



     * @inheritdoc

     * @return \app\models\Project|array|null


    public function one($db = null) {

        return parent::one($db);


    public function withoutFirst()


        $this->andWhere(['<>', 'id', 1]);

        return $this;



and I override find() method in my model:

namespace app\models;

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

class Product extends ActiveRecord



     * @inheritdoc

     * @return ProductQuery


    public static function find()


        return new ProductQuery(get_called_class());



Then I can use it, for example, like this:

$products = Products::find()->withoutFirst()->all();

But my question is … how can I set in the query class default conditions ?

When my find method() was the original it was like this:

    public static function find()


        return parent::find()->where(['=', 'status_id', 1]);


but now the ProductQuery takes the control, I don’t know how to put them in the one() and all() methods

Thank yu