Yii2 Rules Fail when verify field information

Hi, i have a little problem with rules on Yii2, it give me a false positive when try to verify on save to DB if some information (cuenta) exist in other field of DB (subcuenta).

I use this rule to verify

public function rules()


        return [


            [['tipocuenta_id', 'user_id', 'cuenta'], 'required'],

            [['cuenta', 'subcuenta'], 'string', 'max' => 100],

            ['subcuenta', 'default'],

            [['tipocuenta_id', 'cuenta'], 'unique', 'targetAttribute'=> ['tipocuenta_id', 'subcuenta'], 'message' => 'This Account exist as subcuenta'],




This is the information that i have in DB

mysql> select cuentasid, cuenta, subcuenta from cuentas where cuenta like '%TEMP%';


| cuentasid | cuenta           | subcuenta             |


|      9254 | TEMP             | TEMP SUBCUENTA        |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cuentasid, cuenta, subcuenta from cuentas where subcuenta like '%TEMP%';

Empty set (0.00 sec)

I do not know why when i try to save “TEMP” in cuenta and empty value on subcuenta it show the error ‘This Account exist as subcuenta’ if i don’t have in subcuenta the value “TEMP”, i’m using Yii hope you can help

Warm Regards

Check out UniqueValidator::$filter

Thanks umneeq is working