[Yii2 Snippets] Modal

Hello Yii2 Community,

nearly one year ago i started to use the yii2 framework for my projects. So far i learned a lot and didn’t regret to choose this framework. During this time i reused some snippets over and over again.

So i want to share with you the snippets i used so far - don’t expect to much - but i think for beginners its something. Constructive feedback is very welcome; to furthermore improve those snippets.

I set up an yii2 page, which show an example and the code to make this example work.

First off i’ll start with Modal -> http://yii2-snippets.1luc1.bplaced.net/modal

Thanks for everything;

Sincerely Luc

Why don’t create a page on github? So we could collaborate.

Thank you for your advice. Didn’t know github pages is a thing. Thanks for that.

Despite that, for me those snippets seem too “small” to put up on github, but i will keep this succession in mind. And github (and its working flows) are still a mysterium to me :)

It took me some time, but i finally put it on github ;).

Furthermore, it is now hosted on Heroku -> https://yii2-snippets.herokuapp.com/