Does it make sense to use IONIC with yii2?

Hello, I am learning about IONIC framework, Still I am very newbie however I have some questions:

Is really usefull to use IONIC with yii2.

I want create an hybride Web app, I mean. I want have:

a. Web app

b. Mobile app

Using a single HTML code, normally I would use: Bootstrap and Yii2 and that is all. However I hear about IONIC.

My question is: If I use IONIC then I don’t need the views in my yii project?

Thank you very much.

if you just need the mobile app then you don’t need the views but if you need a web and a mobile then you need to keep the views as well

If you want to create an app that is an app and that can be installed as an app, then use IONIC.

Apps and Progressive Apps are treated as any other app - think smartphones.

Otherwise, use Yii.