How to render html tags in tooltip?

Hi guys, following code will show me tooltip in GridView. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to render html tags inside it,. As content comes from database, there will be no rendering of any html tags. Tags will be shown as tags without execute them. Ideas, how to render html tags inside tooltips?




        'attribute' => $dummy,

        'label' => Yii::t('app', 'Charakterisierung'),

        'format' => 'html',

        'vAlign' => 'middle',

        'value' => function($model) {

            if (!(empty($model->person->personentypDominant->typ_name))) {

                $tag = Html::tag('span', 'Tooltip-Touch Me!', [

                            // html-tags won't be rendered in title

                            'title' => $model->person->personentypDominant->typ_empfehlung,],

                            'data-placement' => 'left',

                            'style' => 'white-space:pre;border:1px solid red;'


                return $tag . "<br>" . $model->person->personentypDominant->typ_verhaltensmerkmal_im_team_1 . "," . $model->person->personentypDominant->typ_verhaltensmerkmal_bei_stress_3 . "," . $model->person->personentypDominant->typ_verhaltensmerkmal_am_arbeitsplatz_4;






It is impossible to add nested html tags inside a tag attribute.


How to create tooltips in a way my intention will be achieved?

If it’s actually impossible, I need another way creating tooltips. Any ideas?