Condition involving a not-directly related table in CActiveDataProvider

I have the following tables:

I need to select items from table3 with a condition involving table1.

$condition = 'table1.someField = someValue';

$anuncios = new CActiveDataProvider('anuncio', array(



		// I am using table 2 also, so:









Of course, this doesn’t work, I get an error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘table1.someField’ in ‘where clause’

Can you help me?

What am I missing here?


…what table name has been declared in your ‘anuncio’ model? … also would be very helpful to paste the relation function here to see what you’ve declared there.


@bettor: sorry, my mistake. Instead of anuncio it should be table3

$condition = 'table1.someField = someValue';

$anuncios = new CActiveDataProvider('table3', array(



		// I am using table 2 also, so:









The relation defined in the models are:


'table2' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'table2', 'id'),


'table3' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'table3', 'table_2'),

'table1' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'table1', 'id'),


'table2' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'table2', 'id'),

I want to have this condition:

table1.someField = someValue

How can I do this?


Sorry for the bump

I haven’t figured this one out.

bump again

someone? please?

Guess from a Yii noob:

'with' => array(




or maybe:

$condition = 'table2.table1.someField = someValue';

i have a similar problem. with() for HAS_MANY relation does not seem to work with cactivedataprovider. i found a solution by reading this thread."

i hope it works for you too.

i had a similar problem. the with() association for HAS_MANY relation does not seem to work with cactivedataprovider. i found a solution by reading this thread."

i hope it works for you too.