yii2 FullCalendar EventClick

Need help on opening a modal window from eventClick. My code will open an Alert Box, but not a modal window.

When I try suggestion, the calendar page is blank.

Here is my code.

$JSEventClick = <<<EOF

function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {

    alert(calEvent.title +' -- '+ calEvent.description);




I am loading the calendar from a database.

   <?= yii2fullcalendar\yii2fullcalendar::widget(array(

			'events' => $events,

			'id' => 'calendar',

			'clientOptions' =>[

            'allDaySlot' => false,

            'eventLongPressDelay' => 1500,

            'selectLongPressDelay' => true,

            'hiddenDays'=> [0],

            'height' => 'auto',

        		'minTime' => '08:00:00',

        		'maxTime' => '20:00:00',

        		'selectable' => true,

            'selectHelper' => true,

            'drop' => true,

            'editable' => true,

            'eventClick' => new JsExpression($JSEventClick)



