Add more info to CWebUser


what is the recommended way to add more info to CWebuser.

  1. Extend the CWebuser class ? and using the methods/getters-setters assign values like firsname/lastname.


  1. make entries like this inside the authenticate() method of UserIdentity ?

         $this->setState('FirstName', $users->FIRSTNAME);
         $this->setState('LastName', $users->LASTNAME);



WebUser extends CWebUser


// do it you like


I recommend you load the user model in your "WebUser" class like

class WebUser extends CWebUser {

public function getModel()


    $user = User::model()->findByPk($this->getId());// providing the value returned from getId() is the PK in your user table/model

    return $user;



you can then access the model like $user = Yii::app()->user->getModel(); for the current user.



// can access all public user AR methods and attributes eg: $user->firstname, $user->status... etc



I might sound very dumb, but how come this works ?

I extend the CWebUser class like this

class WebUser extends CWebUser


public function Foo();


then how come Foo() is available to Yii::app()->user.

Is not Yii::app()->user of type CWebUser ?

We have extended CWebUser, so Foo() should be available to WebUser. So how come its available to Yii::app()->user ?

didn’t you specify the class for the user component in your config to be ‘WebUser’? if you did, then Yii::app()->user will reyurn an instance of WebUser.

aaah yes, now its all clear!!!

how did i miss that one ?

thanks a ton
