Using Zii CJuiDatePicker in a CForm

I’m trying to build my first form using the Yii 1.1 CForm form builder. I’d like to include a ‘Date of birth’ field, using a JQuery-based date picker. Found an example on this forum that uses the Zii date picker and took the liberty to copy it. Unfortunately this doesn’t display a dateOfBirth field at all.

The ‘elements’ part of my form definition array includes:




So how should I implement it to get this to work?


$form = new CForm(






        '<div class="row field_birth_date">BirthDate</label>'.












        'buttons'=>array('signUp'=>array('type'=>'button','label'=>'Sign up',



The _genericWidget files contains the following code

<?PHP $this->widget($widName, $widData);?>

don’t work in a CForm.

CForm and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "renderPartial"


One way to do it:


$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(



)); ?>


            $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(



                // additional javascript options for the date picker plugin









<?php $this->endWidget(); ?> seems to have solved this.






