wbraganca yii2-dynamicform

hola forum, estoy usando esta extensión, insertar no me da ningún problema pero a la hora de actualizar me da este error

Unknown Property – yii\base\UnknownPropertyException

Getting unknown property: backend\models\Modelo01::0

me pudiera ayudar alguien? o explicarme mejor? yo he seguido paso a paso el ejemplo y me he quedado trabado aqui

Puedes subir el mensaje de excepción, completo. es muy difícil ayudarte sin más información. :unsure:

gracias ya vi que era, no se pq si la relación es de 1-1 no me funcionaba, la cambia a hasMany y ya resolví el problema, ahora quiero insertar otro formulario, me sale, pero no me muestra los botones, ya los renombre como dice la guía, pero aun nada

Hi All,

I have currently using the yii2-dynamic form in my website. i am using wbranganca-dynamic form to display the fields with multiple add or remove the items. As per scenario i have to replace the dynamic form based on the input selection in the select box, so i have triggered a Ajax call to get the form fields based on the selection, which is working fine for the first time selection of the select box, but if i change the select box selection then the form fields will vary accordingly, so i have to reinitialize the function then only it will create those fields set when we add new items. The problem is when i try to add new item it is creating the first time set of form generated fields it is not updating the new set of fields when i am adding in the dynamic form. so i want to know how to destroy the already created instance and create a new instance or else how to update the form fields.

I think if i can delete and create a new instance then it may able to solve it. but i don’t know how to solve this