Related models are not reloaded when transaction is on

  • operating system: Linux Ubuntu

  • Web server: apache2

  • browser type: any

  • Yii version: 1.1.13

I have some $model, which has a relation

        return array(

            'costCentre' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'CostCentre', 'cost_centre_id'),


When I load model outside the transaction (mySQL innoDB) and change the attribute $model->cost_centre_id then the related model acessed by $model->costCentre will be reloaded and different costCentre will be there.

$model                 = $this->loadModel($id); // $model->cost_centre_id = 1

$model->cost_centre_id = 2;

echo $model->costCentre->cost_centre_id; // 2

however when transaction is on then changing attribute $model->cost_centre_id doesn’t force relation to be reloaded and previous model is returned when using this relation

$model                 = $this->loadModel($id); // $model->cost_centre_id = 1

$transaction           = Transaction::beginTransaction();

$model->cost_centre_id = 2;

echo $model->costCentre->cost_centre_id; // 1 <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='???' />


     * Does after change actions


    public function afterSave()


        if (!empty($this->_previousCostCentre) && $this->_previousCostCentre->cost_centre_id != $this->cost_centre_id) {




        // This code below works different when transaction is OFF and ON

        if (!empty($this->costCentre)) {






