Books Yii Framework Free and Easy Understand

This book on the reef by Jeffrey Winesett November of 2012, this book contains about Auto-generated skeleton web applications as well as CRUD scaffolding for the domain object model using the built-in command-line interface, Yii Use database migrations to version and manage your database changes, Create user-based applications with Yii’s authentication models, Enhance your user-based application to control a user’s access to the feature functionality, Write an administrative console application to extend the features provided by Yii’s powerful command-line tools, Integrate other frameworks and libraries into a Yii application to further extend its feature set, Spend less time managing application configuration by taking advantage of Yii’s sensible defaults and conventions.

Learn how easy it is to implement a multi-user application by utilizing Yii’s authentication and role-based authorization models, update your code to properly manage the user’s last login time and stores it in the database. Yii book is what you get for free by downloading the download link above.