Reportico Reporting module for Yii2


I have recently produced a Yii2 version of the Open Source Reportico package. This allows you to embed into your Yii2 app tabular reports with groups, charts, expressions etc

I have had to get to grips the Yii2 and its use of composer, so i would appreciate any feedback on any problems you may find.

Please go to the Reportico Yii2 page here, for instructions on installing and getting started.

Also, I have recently released new version 4.2 for Yii 1.1 which is available here:-

Peter Deed


Apologies to anyone who tried this and it didnt work for you but i forgot to add into the instructions the fact that you need to add the following into the config/web.php script to make it work …

 'reportico' => [

            'class' => 'reportico\reportico\Module' ,

            'controllerMap' => [

                            'reportico' => 'reportico\reportico\controllers\ReporticoController',

                            'mode' => 'reportico\reportico\controllers\ModeController',

                            'ajax' => 'reportico\reportico\controllers\AjaxController',

