Forum Topic Title

Just a suggestion: Could you remove the word capitalization if the topic title?

It may be common and looks good in English. But in the german forum it looks weird.

JFYI: In german language (and maybe others as well) you never see texts in that way. It is as uncommon as if you would write fORUM tOPIC tITLE. I think every german speaker will confirm that.

Please: I’d like to use upper and lower case how I prefer it.


I think that’s forum default. Not sure if it’s anywhere in the settings of vbulletin.

You mean IP.Board, right? Didn’t realized this until now. I always believed this is a Yii-powered forum :D

I’ve searched a bit and I think there should be a setting called ‘Stop shouting in topic titles’ which you could switch on.

Found it here:

Could you think about it?
