Error Ketika Di Install Ke Pc Server

tolong ane master,…td pas mau install app ke pc server malah ktemu error

return $this->_runtimePath;

278 }

279 }


281 /**

282 * Sets the directory that stores runtime files.

283 * @param string $path the directory that stores runtime files.

284 * @throws CException if the directory does not exist or is not writable

285 */

286 public function setRuntimePath($path)

287 {

288 if(($runtimePath=realpath($path))===false || !is_dir($runtimePath) || !is_writable($runtimePath))

289 throw new CException(Yii::t(‘yii’,‘Application runtime path “{path}” is not valid. Please make sure it is a directory writable by the Web server process.’,

290 array(’{path}’=>$path)));

291 $this->_runtimePath=$runtimePath;

292 }


294 /**

295 * Returns the root directory that holds all third-party extensions.

296 * @return string the directory that contains all extensions. Defaults to the ‘extensions’ directory under ‘protected’.

297 */

298 public function getExtensionPath()

299 {

300 return Yii::getPathOfAlias(‘ext’);

301 }