Rights Module Seems Unused


I have installed and configured my app to use the modules user and rights by following carefully this doc :


here is the organisation of the files :












-----[all views]

here is my protected/config/main.php :

 25     'modules'=>array(

 26         'threads',


 40         'user'=>array(

 41             'tableUsers' => 'users',

 42             'tableProfiles' => 'profiles',

 43             'tableProfileFields' => 'profiles_fields',

 44             'debug'=>false,

 45         ),

 46         'rights',


 49     'components'=>array(

 50         'user'=>array(

 51             // enable cookie-based authentication

 52             //'allowAutoLogin'=>true,

 53             'class' => 'RWebUser',

 54             'allowAutoLogin'=>true,

 55             'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'),

 56         ),

 57         'authManager'=>array(

 58             'class'=>'RDbAuthManager',

 59             'connectionID'=>'db',

 60             'itemTable'=>'authitem',

 61             'itemChildTable'=>'authitemchild',

 62             'assignmentTable'=>'authassignment',

 63             'rightsTable'=>'rights',

 64             'defaultRoles'=>array('Authenticated', 'Guest'),

 65         ),


I have this in protected/components/Controller.php


6 class Controller extends RController


I have this in my controller module protected/modules/threads/ThreadsController.php


 3 class ThreadsController extends Controller


 14     public function filters()

 15     {

 16         return array(

 17             'rights',

 18             'postOnly + delete', // we only allow deletion via POST request

 19         );

 20     }


 22     public function allowedActions()

 23     {

 24         return 'index';

 25     }


In the rights module management interface, I have :

  • 3 roles defined : Admin / Authenticated / Guest

  • admin assigned to the roles Admin and Authenticated

  • phil assigned to the role Authenticated only

I haven’t defined any Permission, task or operation in the admin rights backend, so that nothing should be allowed to anybody except admin.

The problem, is that when I’m not logged in, I can Create, Update or Delete anything from my Threads module.

Any Idea what I’m missing ?



After reinstalling the rights module, I progress but there are still some strange behaviours :

in the admin rights backend, when I assign Threads.* to the role “Authenticated” and the same Threads.* is not assigned to “Guest”, I can make all I want even if I’m not logged in

If I revoke Threads.* to the "Authenticated" role, I cannot acces Threads.

it looks like the “Authenticated” role doesn’t play its role, isn’t it ?

