I've A Problema With Assets In Yii 2. With Css


I’m following this instructions


and when I try to compile, the Javascript works fine, but the css doen’t compile.

This is my config code:

define('PATH',dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/vendor/heartsentwined/yuicompressor');

return [

	// The list of asset bundles to compress:

	'bundles' => [




	'cssCompressor' => 'java -jar ' . PATH . '/yuicompressor.jar  --type css {from} -o {to}',

	'jsCompressor' => 'java -jar ' . PATH . '/yuicompressor.jar --type js {from} -o {to}',

	// Asset bundle for compression output:

	'targets' => [

		'backend\assets\AppAsset' => [

			'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/web/',

			'baseUrl' => '/',

			'css' => 'css/all-{ts}.css',

			'js' => 'js/all-{ts}.js',



	// Asset manager configuration:

	'assetManager' => [

		'basePath' => __DIR__,

		'baseUrl' => '',



When I run, this one create the file config_compressed.php. This is the code:

return array (

  'backend\\assets\\AppAsset' => 

  array (

    'basePath' => '/var/www/packages/backend/web',

    'js' => 

    array (

      0 => 'js/all-1392904888.js',


    'css' => 

    array (

      0 => 'css/all-1392904888.css',



  'yii\\web\\JqueryAsset' =>

  array (

    'js' => 

    array (


    'css' => 

    array (


    'depends' => 

    array (

      0 => 'backend\\assets\\AppAsset',



  'yii\\web\\YiiAsset' => 

  array (

    'js' => 

    array (


    'css' => 

    array (


    'depends' => 

    array (

      0 => 'backend\\assets\\AppAsset',




The server returned error with the yii\web\JqueryAsset.

“A circular dependency is detected for bundle ‘yii\web\YiiAsset’.”

I commented and worked, but i noticed that the js file was created (js/all-1392904025.js) but the css file no (css/all-1392904025.css).

Is this an error of yii2 or an error mine??

My regards!