Where To Save Own Actions And Select Right Namespace?

Where to save self created actions and how to name its namespace?

I am trying to use imperative redactor in yii2, and want to reimplement ImageFileUpload action taken from ‘redactor’ extension made for yii.

I got this error message


Class yii\imperative\ImageUploadAction does not exist

This is my code where I included this action to controller

public function actions()


        return [

            'imageupload' => [

                'class' => 'yii\imperative\ImageUploadAction',

                'uploadPath' => '/uploads',

//                'uploadUrl' => '/url/to/uploads/folder',

                'uploadCreate' => true,

                'permissions' => 0755,




The action class is placed in


This is a code


namespace yii\imperative;

use Yii;

use yii\base\Action;

use yii\web\HttpException;

use yii\web\UploadedFile;

use yii\helpers\Json;


 * Redactor widget image upload action.


 * @param string $attr Model attribute

 * @throws CHttpException


class ImageUploadAction extends Action


    public $uploadPath;

    public $uploadUrl;

    public $uploadCreate = false;

    public $permissions = 0774;

    public function run($attr)


        $name = strtolower($this->getController()->getId());

        $attribute = strtolower((string) $attr);

        if ($this->uploadPath === null)


            $path = \yii::$app->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads';

            $this->uploadPath = realpath($path);

            if ($this->uploadPath === false && $this->uploadCreate === true)


                if (!mkdir($path, $this->permissions, true))


                    throw new HttpException(500, Json::encode(

                        ['error' => 'Could not create upload folder "' . $path . '".']





        if ($this->uploadUrl === null)


            $this->uploadUrl = \yii::$app->request->baseUrl . '/uploads';


        // Make Yii think this is a AJAX request.

        $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';

        $file = UploadedFile::getInstanceByName('file');

        if ($file instanceof UploadedFile)


            $attributePath = $this->uploadPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attribute;

            if (!in_array(strtolower($file->getExtensionName()), array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg')))


                throw new HttpException(500, Json::encode(

                    ['error' => 'Invalid file extension ' . $file->getExtension() . '.']



            $fileName = trim(md5($attribute . time() . uniqid(rand(), true))) . '.' . $file->getExtension();

            if (!is_dir($attributePath))


                if (!mkdir($attributePath, $this->permissions, true))


                    throw new HttpException(500, Json::encode(

                        ['error' => 'Could not create folder "' . $attributePath . '". Make sure "uploads" folder is writable.']




            $path = $attributePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;

            if (file_exists($path) || !$file->saveAs($path))


                throw new HttpException(500, Json::encode(

                    ['error' => 'Could not save file or file exists: "' . $path . '".']



            $attributeUrl = $this->uploadUrl . '/' . $name . '/' . $attribute . '/' . $fileName;

            $data = array(

                'filelink' => $attributeUrl,


            echo Json::encode($data);


        } else


            throw new HttpException(500, Json::encode(

                ['error' => 'Could not upload file.']





The path to the class looks like being wrong. Try to use this: /frontend/actions/ImageUploadAction (or similar, I don’t know your file structure).

Class path should match namespace i.e. in your case it should be frontend/actions.

Thanks to all of you. Finally I got it.