Self Join?

Is it possible to do a self join?

Trying to return rows based on a parent-child relationship.



    parent INT

    type INT




    public function getParent()


        return $this->hasOne(self::className(), ['id' => 'parent']);








Yes, it’s possible, but you’ll probably need to set an alias for related.

Check this post for details.

Also a guide is ready:

Hmm, not sure if there’s an exampl of aliasing. Anyway, here it is:

$this->hasOne(self::className(), ['client_id' => 'id'])

    ->from(self::tableName() . ' my_alias');

Thanks, I’ve now got some aliases.

But when trying to select columns I get an undefined index error in "ActiveRelationTrait" at line 202.

Works fine if I don’t select columns but as the data is a response in AJAX I don’t want to send it all.


    public function getParent()


        return $this->hasOne(self::className(), ['id' => 'parent'])

            ->from(self::tableName() . ' parent');



        ->from(Model::tableName() . ' t')


	->select(['', 't.title', 'parent.title'])



Cannot check it right now, but:

  1. what’s the sql query generated?

  2. shouldn’t [‘id’ => ‘parent’] be [‘parent’ => ‘id’]?

  3. seems like a bad idea to name alias as an existing field name.

Renamed the alias to p

SELECT `t`.`id`, `t`.`title`, `p`.`title`

  FROM `my_table` `t`

  LEFT JOIN `my_table` `p` ON `t`.`parent` = `p`.`id`

Query runs fine, It’s just the populating.

I cannot confirm that, my code works fine.

Try to do composer update first.

PS. Btw here is select() for relation:

->joinWith(['parent' => function($q) {$q->select(['id', 'name']);}])

You have two title columns in select: [color=#008800][size=2]t[/size][/color][color=#666600][size=2].[/size][/color][color=#008800][size=2]title[/size][/color][color=#666600][size=2],[/size][/color][size=2] [/size][color=#008800][size=2]p[/size][/color][color=#666600][size=2].[/size][/color][color=#008800][size=2]title[/size][/color]

Funny thing is that’s not a problem, current AQ deals with it (or I’m doing something wrong).

I can show some screenshots where I join table with itself on id = id, and the result is correct.

Here’s my code:

public function getSj()


    return $this->hasOne(static::className(), ['id' => 'id'])

        ->from(static::tableName() . ' parent');


$test = \app\models\Sauna::find()

    ->from(\app\models\Sauna::tableName() . ' t')

    ->joinWith(['sj' => function($q) {$q->select(['id', 'created_at']);}])


    ->select(['', 't.created_at', 'parent.created_at']) // parent.created_at left intentionally


and the result is



    [0] => Array


            [id] => 52925d7f04a67

            [created_at] => 1385323951

            [sj] => Array


                    [id] => 52925d7f04a67

                    [created_at] => 1385323951



    [1] => Array


            [id] => 52cfe92288004

            [created_at] => 1389357452

            [sj] => Array


                    [id] => 52cfe92288004

                    [created_at] => 1389357452




Found my issue, I needed to have ‘parent’ in the select.


        ->from(Model::tableName() . ' t')

        ->joinWith(['parent' => function($q) {

            $q->select(['id', 'title']);


        ->select(['', 't.title', 't.parent'])



Thanks for the help.

Hmm, that’s strange.

Ah, yes. Correct.

Should be documented I suppose.